
RARIS – Regional Development Agency Eastern Serbia – established in 2007, as a bottom-up initiative by the Eastern Serbia stakeholders.

Eastern Serbia:

  • Borders with Romania in the North, and with Bulgaria in the East;
  • The total area - 7.130 km(8.1% of the total Serbian territory);
  • 2 Administrative Districts; two cities and 6 municipalities; 263 settlements;
  • Population: 242.000 (3.1% of the total population of Serbia).

Founders of RARIS:

  • Cities of Zajecar and Bor,
  • Municipalities of Majdanpek, Kladovo, Knjazevac, Boljevac, Negotin and Sokobanja,
  • Regional Chamber of Commerce Zajecar,
  • OCD “The Timok Club”, Knjazevac,
  • Faculty of Management Zajecar

Objective of RARIS is to support development initiatives based on institutional networking and partnerships aiming at sustainable development of Eastern Serbia.

RARIS team: experienced and committed staff, with a broad knowledge on territorial development, domestic and international context.

Pursuant to the Law on Regional Development, RARIS has been the first Accredited RDA in Serbia according to the Low on Regional Development since May 04th, 2011.




Trg oslobođenja bb
19000 Zaječar

tel/fax. +381 (0)19 426 376
tel/fax. +381 (0)19 426 377


Sathurday and Sunday: Non working days

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