In late January 2017, wine producers from Knjaževac and Negotin visited wine regions of Istria, Croatia, and in Vipava Valley, Slovenia.
On that occasion, they became thoroughly familiar with experiences and best practices in wine production in these developed wine regions, as well as with their experience in using EU funds and the state funds for development of the wine sector.
During this visit the winemakers from Eastern Serbia visited five wine cellars in Istria and two in the Vipava Valley. In the conversation with the cellars owners they exchanged experience in wine production and learned about their cooperation within the associations and clusters, their joint implementation of projects and use of national and EU funds improving winemaking.
The study group visited Istria and Istrian Development Agency - IDA that had developed a quality mark - Istrian Quality (IQ). They visited the Association "Vinistra" which brings together more than one hundred wine producers and together with them develops applications for national and EU projects. Also, in Poreč they visited the Wine and Tourism Institute and there learned about interconnection between wine producers and cooperation with this scientific and research institution.
In Slovenia they became familiar with an example of cooperation developed between the winemakers from Vipava Valley and Development Agency ROD, the Tourist Information Centre - TIC and Wine cellar Vipava that manages and coordinates the wine route of the Vipava Valley.
Besides the wine producers, the study visit was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and representatives of the Associations of winemakers from Knjaževac Negotin. The study visit was organized by Regional Development Agency Eastern Serbia - RARIS and with the support of GIZ-KWD Project (Local Economic Development in Eastern Serbia).
Wine producers from Eastern Serbia were invited to participate in Wine Trade Fairs in Istria and the Vipava Valley and to continue the established cooperation.