Do you know how to use firewood efficiently? Do you know that ash can be used as an organic fertilizer? What is biomass, bioenergy…?
Within the initiative "Sustainable use of bioenergy in Eastern Serbia", the Regional Agency for Development of Eastern Serbia - RARIS created 5 videos on Bioenergy. Watch the videos by clicking here and find out:
- How to increase the efficiency of using firewood, what shapes should be, how to store them, burn them;
- 10 good reasons to use wood biofuels;
- Which energy sources have significant potential for advancing human development;
- What are biomass and bioenergy for?
The use of bioenergy and biomass for heat and electricity contributes to the improvement of sustainable use of renewable energy sources, rural and local economic development, as well as the reduction of harmful gas emissions. Replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy sources not only contributes to climate protection, but also to improving air quality. At the same time, the use of locally available renewable energy sources improves economic development and creates employment opportunities in less developed and rural areas.
The project "Sustainable Use of Bioenergy in Eastern Serbia" is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) within the German Climate Technology Initiative (DKTI), through the German Organization for International Cooperation GIZ. The political partners of the project are: the Office for Public Investment Management, the Ministry of Mining and Energy, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management and the Ministry of Environmental Protection.
For more information visit: http://www.bioenergy-serbia.rs/index.php/en/