In Sokobanja from 17th to 19th of April, a meeting of partners on RUSTIK (Transitions of rural sustainability through the integration of knowledge for improved political processes) Project from Bulgaria and Serbia was organized. Project RUSTIK is implemented as a part of the Horizon Europe Program.
In addition to representatives of RARIS, the meeting was attended by representatives of the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Belgrade, the Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski and the Local Action Group Trojan, Aprilci and Ugarčin from Bulgaria.
At the meeting, the activities on the project were analyzed, with special reference to the methodology of data collection, tools used for scrapping data from the Internet and for the implementation of comprehensive research in the field. The meeting represented the preparation for the implementation of the field data experiment, which will be implemented in 14 pilot regions in the next phase of the implementation of the RUSTIK project. Among those are the Zaječar District and region Trojan, Aprilci and Ugarčin. This research will be a central element for generating new knowledge about rural diversity and social transformation. Research of the RUSTIK Project in a live environment will identify new data and methods of data collection, in combination with available data sources, in order to improve the planning processes of the development of local communities.
RUSTIK is a four-year project which is implemented by 30 partner organizations from 12 European countries in a consortium - universities, research institutes, companies, non-profit organizations, local and regional administration bodies, local action groups (LAG), business associations and regional development agencies.