Today, in Brussels, with the establishment of the Steering Committee started the realization of the project "Underground Built Heritage as catalyser for Community Valorisation" financed by the European framework for science and cooperation - COST.
The project, which will last 4 years, brings together researchers and experts from 21 countries, and the director of RARIS, Vladan Jeremic, will be one of the members of the Project Steering Committee.
In this project, RARIS is primarily responsible for the Negotin's wine cellars, in order to gather experience and examples of good practice from the most famous sites (such as Postojna or Cappadocia) that could be applied in Eastern Serbia.
The project will establish an expert network, with the aim of promoting a balanced and sustainable approach for the preservation of underground built heritage. The project will help realize the potential for regeneration that has an underground built space in both urban and rural areas.
More information on the project you can find here.